The 2020 Vintage

“The 2020 has the freshness of 2017, and the concentration and the expression of 2019”
Start of harvest – 28th August 2020

2020 will remain in the memory for many reasons. Not only was it the year of lockdowns and pandemic; it was also a unique and very satisfactory vintage for producers in Chablis.
This vintage was an historically early one, from budburst right through to harvest. The hot and sunny weather also ensured the grapes were bursting with health on the vines.
Even more surprisingly, tasting has confirmed that despite the high temperatures and almost constant drought conditions, in addition to their rich aromas, the wines are also revealing a freshness that is as unexpected as it is remarkable.
Everyone is fascinated how the Chardonnay grape is adapting to climate change. How this grape can react on the vine to warmer and drier vintages without losing its sense of place. Despite the heat and dryness, the alcohol levels are normal, the acidity levels are exceptional and the overall balance on the palate means the wines are representative of an excellent vintage for the region.”
We are impressed by the fleshiness in the Premiers Crus and Grands Crus, we are confident enough to extend the wines’ élevage on their lees – adding further tension and flavour complexity to the wine. It is a vintage with great ageing potential in terms of balance and acidic backbone, One could compare it to 2017 or 2012 – two very popular vintages for vignerons in Chablis, where the acidity is classic but there is body too. It is what one calls “a truer expression of Chablis”.
The 2020 has the freshness of 2017, and the concentration and the expression of 2019, a vintage that expresses a superb minerality and freshness with a nice intensity of fruit and especially citrus fruit characters.

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